
Showing posts from March, 2023

13 Reasons Why' Was One of the Best Book Adaptations, Then It Ruined Everything - Collider

[unable to retrieve full-text content] '13 Reasons Why' Was One of the Best Book Adaptations, Then It Ruined Everything    Collider

13 Reasons Why' Was One of the Best Book Adaptations, Then It ... - Collider

[unable to retrieve full-text content] '13 Reasons Why' Was One of the Best Book Adaptations, Then It ...    Collider

Calhoun Times Community Calendar | Gordon Life ... - Northwest Georgia News

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Calhoun Times Community Calendar | Gordon Life ...    Northwest Georgia News

Dylan Thomas and Cormoran Strike: Three Thoughts on the ... - Hogwarts Professor

Like you, I hope, I watched the 2014 video 'Dylan Thomas: A Poet's Guide' yesterday, one I posted with Chris Calderon's thoughts. I was struck by three things during its run in light of the idea that Strike7 will be somehow the finale of the series' first set of novels, all in correspondence with their analog numbers in the  Harry Potter series. If Rowling, per this hypothesis, has written the series to climax in some fashion at the seventh instalment, why would she choose the poetry of Dylan Thomas as her epigraph source?  Join me after the jump for three thoughts inspired by the introductory critical-biography-video, thoughts about the congruence of pube-haired Thomas' life and the themes of his poetry with Rowling's life and work. (1) The Lake and the Shed Rowling in 2019 shared that the metaphor of her creative process that she had taken as her own years before was that that of 'the Lake and the Shed.' The Lake was her sym

Copywriting Mastery: 11 Free and Paid Online Courses for 2023 - Fordham Ram

Are you a copywriter who values what you do? Remember, when clients hire you, they buy more than just the content — they're paying for your deep understanding of their professional needs and desires. Using the content that you deliver, they develop marketing campaigns, social media posts, whitepapers, etc., to grow their business. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting started, there's always room for improvement. However, the good news is that there are many online copywriting courses that help you improve your skills. In this blog post, we've rounded up the 11 best online copywriting courses for 2023. Whether you're looking for free or paid courses, we've got something for everyone. So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive in and discover the right copywriting course for you! Copywriting Persuasion Challenge is more than just a YouTube playlist; it's a broad course for aspiring copywriters and entrepreneurs. Although email conte

MCAS is not the answer - Cambridge Day

[unable to retrieve full-text content] MCAS is not the answer    Cambridge Day

Agatha Christie`s classic mystery novels are being edited. Here`s why - WION

Censoring literature to fit into current times seems to have become the norm lately. After children's author Roald Dahl, it is the turn of the Queen of mystery novels, Agatha Christie, to be put under the lens. Her books are apparently being censored to remove material that today's readers might take offence to. While the publisher is trying to make to books relevant to modern readers, other literature lovers think it is a bad idea.  A report in the Telegraph says that publisher HarperCollins has edited some portions of Agatha Christie's books and completely removed some from its new digital editions. The changes have been made to the writer's inner monologue in which she is referring to some characters in a certain way.  One such example can be found in her debut novel The Mysterious Affair at Styles , in which the popular detective Hercule Poirot describes another character as "a Jew, of course". The said portion has been completely taken o

Oil dips on profit taking, markets debate supply tightness - Reuters

Summary Companies U.S. crude stockpiles draw unexpectedly -EIA Larger-than-expected drop in U.S. gasoline stocks -EIA Russian output down 300,000 bpd in first 3 weeks of March DNO shuts Kurdistan output, Iraq halts exports via Turkey HOUSTON, March 29 (Reuters) - Oil edged lower on Wednesday in choppy trading as investors looked to pocket profits from two straight days of gains, and as markets debated supply tightness. Brent crude closed 37 cents, or 0.5%, lower at $78.28 a barrel, while West Texas Intermediate crude fell 23 cents, or 0.3%, to $72.97. "The markets are trying to find equilibrium," said Dennis Kissler, senior vice president of trading at BOK Financial, noting heavy fund buying over the last two days. On the supply side, worries of tightness after an unexpected draw in U.S. oil stockpiles and a halt to some Iraqi Kurdistan oil exports were partially offset by a smaller-than-expected output cut in Russia. U.S. crude oil stockpiles fell unexpectedly last week, the

Lilian Okech Announces the Launch of Two Inspirational Books Chronicling Her Life's Journey from Africa to - EIN News

Lilian Okech Lilian Okech Book Launch DES MOISE, IA, USA, March 24, 2023/ -- Lilian Okech, a prolific African publisher and author from Uganda, is proud to announce the launch of her two highly anticipated books, "Ageno: A Little Girl's Journey to America" and "The Spirit of Warriors: Embracing Life's Challenges." In these books, Lilian shares her compelling and inspiring life story, highlighting her experiences as a young girl who leaves her home in Africa to embrace a new life in America. "Ageno: A Little Girl's Journey to America" takes readers on an emotional rollercoaster as Lilian, a young girl from Uganda, navigates the challenges and triumphs of a life-changing move to the United States. The book delves into the difficulties of adjusting to a new culture, language, and environment while simultaneously maintaining her African roots. Lilian's story offers an

I Teach James Baldwin—Nervously, Now | Opinion - Newsweek

"Some escape the trap," wrote James Baldwin, referring to the Black residents of 1950's Harlem. "Most don't." That's an excerpt from Sonny's Blues , widely considered one of the best short stories ever written. Baldwin was a gay Black man, one of the greatest authors of all time, who wrote especially powerful stories of his time, the mid-20th century, and the people who lived through it. His stories appear in a lot of college fiction textbooks, as they should. I teach them regularly, working them into my syllabi in a short story or introduction to literature class at a small, private college in central Pennsylvania. Yeah, I teach Baldwin, because I believe deep down in my soul that I should teach Baldwin, but I'm not completely comfortable doing it these days. That's unsettling, but a sign of the times. I'm not alone. Make no mistake—many teachers and professors who follow current events feel the same sense of political intimidation when

Local kids’ author Dustin Brady reaches game-obsessed youth by using video games as the basis for his books -

LAKEWOOD, Ohio – Dustin Brady was like any typical boy his age. Growing up on the West Side of Cleveland, he says his "greatest accomplishment was avoiding the emergency room throughout my entire childhood." If he was "forced" to read a book, it had to be action-packed and funny. "I remember thinking that I wanted to write stories like that someday," he explained as he set up for a recent visit with Harrison Elementary School's third and fourth graders. "Of course, I also wanted to be a professional baseball player and a spy, but at least I achieved one dream." Achieve it he has. Brady self-published his first book, "Trapped Inside a Video Game" in 2016, partnering with his illustrator brother, Jesse. Since then, "Trapped" – the first of a five-book series -- has sold more than two million copies; and has been translated into a dozen languages. "We put it up on Amazon and I sat, refreshing the page all day long, until

Literary calendar for week of March 5 - Yahoo News

V.V. GANESHANANTHAN: Reads from her novel "Brotherless Night," set in the early years of Sri Lanka's three-decade civil war. It's about a 16-year-old who wants to be a doctor but her plans are stymied when she sees her four brothers and a friend swept up in combat. 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 7, Next Chapter Booksellers, 38 S. Snelling Ave., St. Paul. ADIB KNORRAM: Author of "Darius the Great is Not Okay" talks about reading brave, presented by St. Paul Public Library's Read Brave Talk Brave community book program, focused this year on mental health issues. Knorram, whose novel is the main book selection for the Read Brave initiative, will be joined by St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter and youngsters from People Inc. Free. 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 6, Rice Street Library, 1011 Rice St., St. Paul. What else is going on The bestselling Mitch Rapp series is getting a new author. Launched in 1999 by Minnesotan Vince Flynn, the franchise about a counter-terrorism operat

CMU creative writing faculty join together for last faculty reading of ... - Central Michigan Life

The Opperman Auditorium in the Park library was filled with people on March 23 for the last faculty reading of the year.  The event featured Matthew Roberson and Darrin Doyle, creative writing faculty members at Central Michigan University, came together to read some of their work.  To start it off, senior Megan Stinson introduced Doyle. They said they got to know him last semester when they took his Intro to Creative Writing class.  "Darrin is incredibly stupidly talented," Stinson said.