English for academic purposes (EAP) • City, University of London - City, University of London

We offer academic writing and English language support for students in the School of Arts and Social Sciences.

Support is available for native and non-native speakers of English.

All courses are free and are not assessed.

What support is available?

We offer two courses (Academic Writing; Grammar, Vocabulary and Punctuation) and one-to-one meetings.

Academic Writing

This four-week course runs in autumn term and is repeated in spring term. The course is aimed at international students, but home students may also benefit from the academic writing skills that the course develops.

The focus is essay writing, but the content will be useful for all types of academic work, including dissertation writing. It includes writing exercises and will help you to:

  • plan and structure essays
  • use citations and references
  • make your voice clear
  • write effective sentences and paragraphs
  • edit your work

Grammar, Vocabulary and Punctuation

This four-week course runs in autumn term and is repeated in spring term. This course is designed for students whose first language is not English.

The focus is improving your written fluency for academic writing. It includes writing exercises and will help you to:

  • make your writing more cohesive
  • write complex sentences
  • use active and passive voice appropriately
  • avoid punctuation mistakes and other common errors.

One-to-one sessions

These 50-minute sessions are available throughout the academic year. If you would like to book one, email Simon Cuddihy.

We do not offer a proofreading service, but we can look at work before you submit it, help you to identify language errors and indicate areas for improvement.

We also comment on structure, clarity, citation and referencing. We will not comment on content.

I'm interested in EAP support - what should I do?

To find more information about the courses as well as academic writing and language resources, go to the English for Academic Purposes Moodle page.

If you would like to join a course, or if you have any questions, contact Simon Cuddihy

The English for Academic Purposes Coordinator

Simon Cuddihy (BA, MA, Delta) is the English for Academic Purposes Coordinator.

He has an MA in English Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics (King's College) and the Cambridge Delta (Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).

Before joining City, Simon was a Coordinating Language Teacher at the London School of Economics (LSE), where he taught on presessional, insessional and English for Business courses.


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