2022 Two-Day Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Exercise Design Course (Saint Paul, Minnesota) - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

2022 FERC EAP Exercise Design Course Registration Link

NOTE: WebEx is being used for registration purposes only.  This course will be in-person and you will receive further information from the point of contact once registered.

FERC's Division of Dam Safety and Inspections has developed an "EAP Exercise Design Course" to discuss exercise requirements and the design process. The course covers the FERC requirements of a comprehensive EAP exercise and the steps required to develop, conduct, evaluate, and follow-up an effective exercise.

Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) are an integral part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's dam safety program. Since all parties involved during an emergency must understand each other's roles to successfully implement an EAP, periodically a comprehensive test with State and local emergency preparedness agency participation is necessary.

For more information, see Chapter 6 of FERC's Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects, click this link: https://www.ferc.gov/industries-data/hydropower/dam-safety-and-inspections/eng-guidelines

Drury Plaza Hotel St. Paul Downtown
175 10th Street E.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101

A conference room rate is available through the Drury Plaza Hotel Saint Paul Downtown at $119 a night. This rate is subject to all applicable state and local taxes. Reservations can be made directly on this website: https://www.druryhotels.com/bookandstay/newreservation/?groupno=10025653  or call 1-800-325-0720 and refer to group number 10025653. 

The cut-off date for this rate is 8/25/2022 or when the conference room block sells out.



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