In 2022, you had critical choices to make. And I don't mean just the votes you cast in the midterm elections. I'm talking about your choices in reading. As all dedicated readers couldn't help but notice, there were basically two kinds of books this year — those about the disastrous Donald Trump era, which dominated the bestseller lists, and those that weren't about Donald Trump. Sadly, since my day job requires that I keep up with the latest in Trumparcana, I have no choice but to read some of the Trump books, or at least reviews and articles about the books, or in the pre-Elon-Musk-era, occasionally just tweets about the books. But in case you, too, feel compelled to read book-length looks into Trump's many high crimes and misdemeanors, I'll recommend two: First, "The Divider" by the husband-and-wife team of Susan Glasser and Peter Baker, which chronicles the chaos in Trump's White House. And second, "The C...