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advanced business writing course :: Article Creator

Efficient Business And Professional Writing

Do you want to be faster and more effective at writing reports, emails, letters, memos, proposals and other professional documents?

In this course, you'll transform how you write using a proven process that involves inventing, drafting and revising. You'll practise using effective tools such as free-writing, brainstorming and heuristics. You'll learn techniques to generate ideas quickly, create draft versions, and review and revise with your document's purpose and intended audience in mind. As you focus on writing efficiently, you'll also learn how to overcome procrastination.

You should have a strong command of spoken and written English. This is not an EAL course.

Note: this course was formerly called Advanced Study in Writing for Business and the Professions.

Technical Report Writing: Extension

This course will primarily focus on influencing your reader through your writing. We will consider the words you choose, the style and tone of your writing, having a clear, concise message and an appropriate format.

This course is designed as a 'follow on' day for people who have taken the Technical Report Writing course (either through a face-to-face delivery or virtually) and want to take their writing skills further, building on the skills already learned. We will look at how to write about technical subjects, not just for reports, but for a range of different uses such as journal papers, e-mails, minutes of meetings and business cases

You should bring along a laptop, so that you can access some documents in the public domain and critique them during the course. You will also be re-writing some sections of prose and practising writing in different styles and for different audiences. It is important to know your own style, so you will be asked to have access to a recent piece of your work and a clean, functioning version of your corporate template.

Who should attend?

This course is designed for anyone who has experience of technical writing and wants to improve and refine their skills. Particularly those responsible for creating, compiling, proof reading, editing, approving or publishing technical documents. Delegates must have already completed the Technical Report Writing course. 

How will I benefit?

After the course you will be able to:

  • Adapt the style and format of a range of technical documents
  • Apply best practice e-mail etiquette to communicate more effectively by email
  • Produce diagrams and other graphics that support and enhance writing
  • Understand good sentence structure and punctuation
  • Practice how to write in plain English
  • Write value-added conclusions, recommendations and summary
  • Influence readers through improved written communication
  • Share best practice written work to aid team improvements

  • Course Descriptions

    The courses offered by the College are grouped by general subject areas and the number of credit hours appears after the course title. A credit hour means one recitation (or lecture) hour per week. Three laboratory hours are equivalent to one lecture hour.

    The semester(s) after each course indicates when it is normally offered. The College reserves the right to alter the scheduled offering of a course when its enrollment is too small or when there is no qualified faculty member available to teach it.

    Courses listed in this catalog are subject to change through normal academic channels. New courses, course deletions and changes in courses are initiated by the relevant departments and the College faculty.

    APM - Applied Mathematics

    APM 101 Fundamentals of College Algebra (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Algebraic operations on polynomials and rational functions as expressions, in equations, or inequalities. Graphing of linear and polynomial equations. An emphasis is placed on algebraic operations of expressions with rational exponents. Fall.

    APM 103 Applied College Algebra and Trigonometry (3)Three hours of lecture per week. This course is designed to enable non-science students to solve practical problems in their specific areas of study. Topics include algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions used in measurement and modeling. Applications include percents, scaling, slopes, and contour mapping. Spring, Fall. Prerequisite(s): Math Placement or Consent of Instructor.

    APM 104 College Algebra and Precalculus (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Course meets the SUNY general education requirement for mathematics. Elements of analytic geometry. Emphasis on the concepts of polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry and trigonometric functions and their application to design and life and management sciences. Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Three years of high school mathematics.

    APM 105 Survey of Calculus and Its Applications I (4)Four hours of lecture per week. Introduction to calculus for students in the life and management sciences. Elements of analytic geometry, functions and their graphs, with an emphasis on the concepts of limits, and differentiation techniques for algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions and their application to economics, and the life and management sciences. Some multivariable calculus including constrained optimization. Fall and Spring. Prerequisite: Precalculus or 3 1/2 years of high school mathematics. Note: Credit will not be granted for APM 105 after successful completion of MAT 284, MAT 285, or MAT 295 at SU.

    APM 106 Survey of Calculus and Its Applications II (4)Four hours of lecture per week. A continuation of calculus for students in the life and management sciences. Elements of analytic geometry. An introduction to integration and applications of the definite integral. Differentiation and integration of trigonometric functions. Applications of first order differential equations and partial derivatives. Spring. Prerequisite: APM 105 or permission of the instructor. Note: Credit will not be granted for APM 106 after successful completion of MAT 286 or MAT 296 at SU.

    APM 115 Essential Calculus (4)A one semester course in differential and integral calculus. An emphasis on the concepts of limits, differentiation and integration techniques for algebraic, exponential, logarithmic functions, and trigonometric functions. This course is not intended for students that plan on taking additional Calculus courses. Offered in fall and spring. Credits will not be granted for APM 115 after successful completion of any Calculus course such as APM105, MAT 284, or beyond. Prerequisites: APM 103 or APM 104, or equivalent.

    APM 205 Calculus I for Science and Engineering (4)Four hours of lecture/discussion per week. Analytic geometry, limits, derivatives of functions and equations, optimization, rates, graphs, differentials, mean-value theorem, and applications of the derivative. Fall. Prerequisite: APM 104 or permission of instructor.

    APM 206 Calculus for Science and Engineering II (4)Four hours of lecture/discussion per week. This course is a one semester continuation of differential calculus. Integral calculus is used to describe growth and size. Topics include: techniques of integration and their application, convergence of sequences and series, separable and first-order differential equations, and polar coordinates. Spring. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of a differential calculus course such as APM205 or MAT295.

    APM 307 Multivariable Calculus (4)4 hours of lecture/discussion per week. Topics include vectors three dimensions, analytic geometry of three dimensions, parametric curves, partial derivatives, the gradient, optimization in several variables, multiple integration with change of variables across different coordinate systems, line integrals, and Green's Theorem. Fall and Spring. Prerequisites: Completion of Differential and Integral Calculus with at least a C-; APM206 / MAT296, or the equivalent Note: Credit cannot be given for both APM307 and MAT397.

    APM 391 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Introduction to concepts and methods of statistics as applied to problems in environmental science and forestry. Topics include inference (confidence intervals and hypothesis testing), sampling distributions, descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, comparison of population means and proportions, categorical data analysis, regression and correlation, and nonparametric methods. Fall or Spring.

    APM 395 Probability and Statistics for Engineers (3)Three hours of lecture per week. This course provides a rigorous introduction to calculus-based probability and statistical theory, with applications primarily drawn from engineering and the environmental sciences. Topics include: descriptive statistics and data presentation, probability, the theory and use of discrete and continuous probability distributions, confidence intervals, classical and distributional hypothesis testing, and regression analyses. Spring. Prerequisite(s): One year of Calculus. Note: Credit will not be granted for both APM 395 and APM 595.

    APM 485 Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists (3)Three hours of lecture per week. First and second order ordinary differential equations, matrix algebra, eigen values and eigen vectors, linear systems of ordinary differential equations, numerical solution techniques and an introduction to partial differential equations. Spring. Prerequisite: MAT 295, MAT 296, MAT 397.

    APM 510 Statistical Analysis (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Applications of descriptive and inferential statistics to natural resource problems. Basic concepts and techniques of estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing applied to one- and two-sample settings, paired designs, simple linear regression and correlation, contingency tables, and goodness of fit tests. Statistical software used to enhance data analysis skills. Fall. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.

    APM 585 Partial Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Analytical solutions of parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic partial differential equations which appear in science and engineering. Numerical and approximate methods of solution. Spring.

    APM 595 Probability and Statistics for Engineers (3)Three hours of lecture per week. This course provides a rigorous introduction to calculus-based probability and statistical theory, with applications primarily drawn from engineering and the environmental sciences. Topics include: descriptive statistics and data presentation, probability, the theory and use of discrete and continuous probability distributions, confidence intervals, classical and distributional hypothesis testing, and regression analyses. Spring. Prerequisite(s): One year of Calculus. Note: Credit will not be granted for both APM 395 and APM 595.

    APM 620 Experimental Design and ANOVA (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Designing and analyzing experiments and observational studies; completely randomized, split plot, randomized complete block, and nested experiment designs; single-factor, factorial, and repeated measures treatment designs; expected mean squares and variance components; fixed, random, and mixed effects models; multiple comparison and contrast analyses; analysis of covariance; statistical computing. Spring. Prerequisites: Graduate status and an introductory course in statistics covering material through the one-way analysis of variance.

    APM 625 Sampling Methods (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Application of probability sampling methods to environmental science and forestry. Simple random, stratified, cluster, systematic, two-phase, line-intercept, point, variable radius plot, adaptive cluster, and other variable probability sampling designs; model-assisted ratio and regression estimators; inclusion probabilities; properties of estimators for design-based inference; Horvitz-Thompson estimation as a unifying theory. Fall.

    APM 630 Regression Analysis (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics include review of basic statistical concepts and matrix algebra, classical simple and multiple linear regression models, indicator or dummy variables in regression, residual analysis, transformation and logistic regression, weighted least squares, influence diagnostics, multicollinearity, nonlinear regression models, linear mixed models, statistical computing using SAS and interpretation of results. Fall. Prerequisite: APM 391 or equivalent.

    APM 635 Multivariate Statistical Methods (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics include review of basic statistical concepts and matrix algebra, multivariate normal distribution, Hotelling's T 2, multivariate analysis of variances, principal component analysis, factor analysis, discrimination and classification, cluster analysis, and canonical correlation analysis, statistical computing using SAS and interpretation of results. Spring. Prerequisites: APM 391 or equivalent.

    APM 645 Nonparametric Statistics and Categorical Data Analysis (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics include: review of basic statistics, sign and ranked sign tests, median and Wilcoxon tests, binomial tests, x 2-test and contingency tables (with correspondence analysis), goodness-of-fit, nonparametric correlation and association analysis, nonparametric and robust regression, generalized linear models (Logistic and Poisson regression), and re-sampling methods (bootstrapping and cross-validation), statistical computing using SAS and interpretation of results. Fall. Prerequisite: APM 391 or equivalent.

    APM 671 Map Accuracy Assessment (1)One hour of lecture per week.Statistical concepts and methods for quantifying the accuracy of maps. Sampling design and analysis for assessing accuracy of categorical attributes (e.G. Land cover) is emphasized, with some discussion of continuous variables. Spring, even numbered years.

    APM 696 Special Topics in Quantitative Methods (1 - 3)Experimental and developmental courses in areas of quantitative methods not covered in regularly scheduled courses. A course syllabus will be available to students and faculty advisors prior to registration. Fall or Spring.

    APM 730 Advanced Regression Modeling Methods (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics include: review of basic regression modeling techniques, theory of generalized linear models and techniques (e.G. Logistic, Poisson and Beta regression), quantile regression, linear and nonlinear mixed models, variogram and kriging, spatial regression models (e.G., spatial lag and spatial error models), local spatial statistics and models (geographically weighted regression), statistical computing using SAS, and interpretation of results. Spring. Prerequisite: APM 630 or equivalent

    BPE - Bioprocess Engineering

    BPE 132 Introduction to Process Engineering I (1)One hour lecture per week or three-hour lab/field trip per week. Introduction to process engineering as a field of study and career path. Topics covered include engineering ethics, laboratory and process safety, resumes and interviewing, and teamwork. Fall. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 132 and PSE 132.

    BPE 133 Introduction to Process Engineering II (1)One hour lecture per week or three-hour workshop per week. Introduction to process engineering as a field of study and career path. Topics covered include engineering calculations, basic statistics, problem solving, basic engineering design, computer tools, ethics, and professional responsibility. The internship and co-op requirements will also be covered. Credits will not be granted for BPE 133 and PSE 133. Spring.

    BPE 296 Special Topics in Engineering (1 - 3)Provides experimental, interdisciplinary, or special coursework at the freshman and sophomore levels within the field of environmental resources engineering. Subject matter and course format vary from semester to semester and section to section. Fall and Spring.

    BPE 300 Introduction to Industrial Bioprocessing (3)Three hours of lecture and discussions. Industrial examples of biotechnology and bioprocessing will be reviewed. Topics include applications of biotechnology and bioprocessing to the food, water and wastewater treatment, industrial biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, biochemical and biofuel industries. Through case studies of process flow sheets for different products students will develop an understanding of unit operations typically utilized in bioprocessing manufacturing operations. Fall. Prerequisite(s): EFB 103 and EFB 104; co-requisite(s): FCH 221 and FCH 222.

    BPE 304 Professional Internship (1)Students implement the theory and practice of their major by working for a company, typically during the summer preceding enrolling in the course. The internship should be a minimum of twelve weeks of full-time experience. Course expectations include a written report, an oral presentation, and a supervisor evaluation. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Fall and Spring.

    BPE 304 Professional Internship (1)Twelve weeks full time employment approved by the department with an industrial or research partner acquired through on-campus interviews or other means. The student and the supervisor set goals and expectations for the internship. The students and supervisors also provide feedback on the performance of the student. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Summer.

    BPE 305 Professional Co-op (1)A semester of full-time employment approved by the department with an industrial or research partner acquired through on-campus interviews or other means. The student and the supervisor set goals and expectations for the co-op. The students and supervisors also provide feedback on the performance of the student. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Fall or Spring.

    BPE 305 Professional Co-op (1)A semester of full-time employment approved by the department with an industrial or research partner acquired through on-campus interviews or other means. The student and the supervisor set goals and expectations for the co-op. The students and supervisors also provide feedback on the performance of the student. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Fall or Spring.

    BPE 306 Professional Synthesis (1)Students will develop a synthesis of their work experience from either BPE 304 or BPE 305 and present their results both orally and in a written report. Fall or Spring.

    BPE 310 Colloid and Interface Science (3)Three hours of lecture per week. This course will cover the basic principles of colloidal and interfacial science as applied to bioprocesses. It will provide a foundation and theoretical understanding that will be applied in bioseparations, transport phenomena, biochemical/bioprocess engineering and other advanced courses in the bioprocess engineering curriculum. Fall. Prerequisites: PSE 370, PSE 361, FCH 150, FCH 152. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 310 and PSE 467.

    BPE 321 Biomolecular Kinetics (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics covered include: Reaction basics, biological basics, cell chemistry, equilibrium. Elementray reactions, collision theory, transitional state, free radicals, pseudo-steady state hypothesis and equilibrium steps, hydrolysis and polymerization reactions. Enzymatic reactions. Cell metabolism. Cell growth kinetics. Spring, and/or Summer. Prerequisite(s): FCH 360, EFB 103.

    BPE 322 Chemical Reaction Engineering Kinetics (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Fundamental concepts in chemical engineering reactions, basic reaction rate theory, steady-state approximation, transition-state theory, reaction mechanisms of chemical reactions, analysis of kinetic data. Spring Prerequisites: APM 485 and BPE 362

    BPE 322 Chemical Reaction Engineering Kinetics (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Fundamental concepts in chemical engineering reactions, basic reaction rate theory, steady-state approximation, transition-state theory, reaction mechanisms of chemical reactions, analysis of kinetic data. Spring. Pre-requisites: APM 485 and BPE 362

    BPE 330 Unit Operations Laboratory (3)One and a half hours of lecture and four and a half hours of laboratory per week. Experiments on fluid mechanics, downstream units, and other process operations. Data acquisition and parametric analysis. Planning and execution of laboratory experiments. Report writing and seminar presentation. This course is a junior level course in the PSE and BPE fields of study. The goal of the course is for students to gain practical knowledge in the areas of transport phenomena and unit operations by performing experiments. The skills and information learned in this class will help students in many of their future courses and in their professional career.

    BPE 335 Transport Phenomena (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Principles of heat and mass transfer as applied to the bioprocess industries. Topics include conduction, convective heat and mass transfer, diffusion of both steady-state and transient situations, analogies for heat and mass transfer, boundary layers, porous media transport, heat and mass transfer analyses. Discussion of specific bioprocess examples. Spring. Prerequisites: PSE 370, PSE 371. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 335 and ERE 534.

    BPE 336 Transport Phenomena Laboratory (1)Three hours of laboratory per week. Introduction to report writing and laboratory safety. Experiments on fluid mechanics, heat transfer, diffusion, and convective mass transfer as applied to the bioprocess industries. Data analysis and data presentation in oral and written form are required. Spring. Prerequisites: PSE 370 and PSE 371 or equivalents. Co-requisite: BPE 335 (or prerequisite).

    BPE 362 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics & Colloids (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics include thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and mixtures of fluids; vapor-liquid equilibrium, theory and applications of solution thermodynamics, chemical reaction equilibria, and colloidal systems. Spring. Prerequisite(s): PSE 361

    BPE 380 Bioprocess Engineering Simulations (3)One and a half hours of lecture two times per week. Use of software package (e.G., SuperPro Designer) to design, model and simulate chemical and bioprocess flow sheets. Model complex bioprocess simulations under continuous or batch mode, accessing databases for properties of chemicals, equipment sizing, material and energy balances of integrated processes, throughput analysis, detailed cost analysis, profitability, overall techno-economic evaluation and sensitivity analysis. Spring. Prerequisite(s): BPE 300

    BPE 420 Bioseparations (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Major unit operations used for the separation, purification and recovery of products from complex mixtures. Separation processes including sedimentation, filtration, centrifugation, membrane ultra-filtration, nanofiltration, ion exchange processes, chromatographic separations. Fall. Prerequisite: BPE 310. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 420 and BPE 620.

    BPE 421 Bioprocess Kinetics and Systems Engineering (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics in biochemical kinetics and reaction engineering are discussed including their application to microbiological systems used for bioprocessing. Batch and continuous biochemical reactor designs. The role of agitation in gas and solids delivery and heat removal for inclusion in design decisions. Impact of engineering parameters and design decisions on operability and economics. Fall. Prerequisite: BPE 335. Co-requisite: BPE 420. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 421 and BPE 621.

    BPE 422 Chemical Reaction Engineering and Process Safety (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Main topics of coverage include conversion and reactor sizing, isothermal and non-isothermal reactor peration/design for flow and batch systems, multiple reactions, introduction to heterogeneous reactor design, sustainability and stability, reactor runaway, reactive hazard and process safety. Fall. Prerequisite: BPE 322.

    BPE 422 Chemical Reaction Engineering and Process Safety (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Main topics of coverage include conversion and reactor sizing, isothermal and non-sothermal reactor peration/design for flow and batch systems, multiple reactions, introduction to heterogeneous reactor design, sustainability and stability, reactor runaway, reactive hazard and process safety. Fall. Pre-requisite: BPE 322.

    BPE 430 Process Operations Laboratory (3)One and half hours of lecture and four and half hours of laboratory per week. Experiments on pressure drop and flow rate measurement in pipe flow, mixing, pump operation, heat exchange, mass transfer/absorption/distillation, filtration, adsorption/chromatography, centrifugation/sedimentation, membrane filtration, extraction, drying, etc. Data acquisition and parametric analysis. Planning and execution of laboratory experiments. Report writing and seminar presentation. Fall. Prerequisite(s): PSE 371, BPE 335.

    BPE 435 Unit Process Operations (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics include fluidization, equilibrium stage operation, distillation, evaporation, gas absorption, design of packed and tray towers, use of process simulation software (e.G. CHEMCAD), etc. Fall. Prerequisite(s): BPE 335/336.

    BPE 438 Introduction to Biorefinery Processes (3)Three hours of lecture and discussions per week. Topics covered include chemical and physical properties of biomass feedstocks; sustainable biomass production/utilization, chemical and biological processes of converting plant biomass to chemicals, liquid fuels, and materials. Focus on green chemistry and/or environmentally benign processes, with some discussions on political and social aspects of sustainability and renewability. Fall. Prerequisite(s): FCH 150 & 151 and PSE 370 or consent of Instructor. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 438 and PSE 438 nor BPE 638 nor PSE 638.

    BPE 440 Bioprocess and Systems Laboratory (3)One hour of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. Measurement and analysis of bioprocess systems, including steady-state and dynamic modeling of systems. Investigation of various bioprocesses including fermentation, enzymatic reactions, and reactive processes involving lignocellulosic materials. Spring. Prerequisite: BPE 420 and BPE 421.

    BPE 450 Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Product Design (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Quality by design of chemical and biochemical products range from specialty chemicals like protein/tissue, biologics to devices that perform chemical and/or bio- transformations. This course integrates the steps of product design from brainstorming and concept selection through design and manufacturing. Students will be taught and practice using the basic tools and principles of chemical / biochemical product design, including inventive problem solving (or TRIZ), house of quality, robust design, design for manufacturability, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and Six Sigma. Other topics include multi-generational product planning, sustainability and life cycle analysis, basic economic evaluations, risk management, an introduction to entrepreneurship and new business development, as well as intellectual property and freedom-to-operate assessments. Case studies drawn from industry will also be illustrated. Fall or Spring. Pre-requisites: APM 395 and BPE 362.

    BPE 468 Capstone Chemical Engineering Laboratory (3)One and half hours of lecture and four and half hours of laboratory per week. Experimental design, data acquisition, and statistical analysis and interpretation of data. Professional communications with lab reports and presentations. The course is designed to help students acquire practical engineering knowledge in the areas of transport phenomena and unit operations by designing and performing experiments on material covered in earlier courses. Prerequisites PSE 371, BPE 330, BPE 335, BPE 422, and BPE 435.

    BPE 481 Bioprocess Engineering Design (3)2.5 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of studio per week. Design project and procedure; open-ended design options; mass/energy balances; unit operations; safety considerations; and economic analysis. Process simulation and computer-aided design for process synthesis and plant layout. Formulation and solution of original design problem(s) under realistic (e.G., socioeconomic, process, environmental, safety) constraints. Spring. Prerequisites: PSE 480, BPE 420, BPE 421, BPE 435, or equivalents. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 481 and BPE 681.

    BPE 496 Special Topics (1 - 3)Lectures, readings, problems and discussions. Topics in environmental or resource engineering as announced. Fall and/or Spring.

    BPE 498 Research Problem in Bioprocess Engineering (1 - 4)Independent study. The student is assigned a research problem in bioprocess engineering. The student must make a systematic survey of available literature on the assigned problem. Emphasis is on application of correct research techniques rather than on discovery of results of commercial importance. The information obtained in the literature survey, along with the data developed as a result of the investigation, is to be presented as a technical report. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Fall, Spring, and Summer.

    BPE 503 Bioprocess Plant Design (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics covered include integration of process and support systems and equipment; concepts of facility design integrating Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), equipment and systems cleanability, people flow, product protection, capital investment, and operating costs. This course will focus towards facility design in the bioprocess industry. Spring. Prerequisite(s): BPE 620, BPE 621.

    BPE 510 Introduction to Polymer Coatings (3)Fundamental science of polymerization and film formation for a wide class of organic coatings, including acrylics, latexes, polyesters, amino resins, epoxies, alkyds, and silicon derivatives as well as the integration of appropriate binders and additives affecting coating quality. Reaction chemistries and their distinguishing characteristics for several cross-linking agents. Reaction kinetics are considered with emphasis on the influence of conditions during synthesis. Various organic coatings are compared based on desired mechanical and optical properties along with specific applications. The nature of defects and the resulting effect on product lifetime of coatings are examined. Online Academic Year and/or Summer Session. Prerequisite(s): B.S. From an accredited institution with at least one semester of organic chemistry or permission of instructor.

    BPE 511 Radiation Curing Equipment, Instrumentation and Safety (3)Technologies used for commercial radiation curing for energy-efficient and environmentally-responsible curing of resins, inks, coatings and adhesives pertinent to industry chemists, engineers, technicians, and managers. Ultra violet light (UV), electron beam (EB), radio frequency (RF) and Infrared (IR) generating systems, along with ancillary equipment used to quantify energy deposition. Basic equipment functions, interaction of radiation sources with specific substrates and chemistries, benefits and drawbacks of each technology, and safety and handling considerations. Emphasis is placed on effectively selecting and justifying equipment appropriate for specific applications. Online Academic Year and/or Summer Session. Prerequisite(s): B.S. From an accredited institution with at least one semester of organic chemistry or permission of instructor.

    BPE 522 Chemical Kinetics (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Fundamental concepts in chemical reactions, basic reaction rate theory, steady-state approximation, transition-state theory, reaction mechanisms of chemical reactions, analysis of kinetic data. Evaluation of literature regarding kinetic measurements. Spring. Pre-requisites: APM 485 and BPE 362

    BPE 535 Transport Phenomena (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Principles of heat and mass transfer as applied to the bioprocess industries. Topics include conduction, convective heat and mass transfer, diffusion of both steady-state and transient situations, analogies for heat and mass transfer, boundary layers, porous media transport, heat and mass transfer analysis. Discussion of specific bioprocess examples. Spring. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 335 and BPE 535.

    BPE 536 Radiation Curing of Polymer Technologies (3)Broad treatment of development and use of radiation curing of polymer technologies as they apply to industry-related roles such as chemists, engineers, technicians, and managers. Properties and development of free-radical and cationic systems initiated by various radiation sources. Chemical and physical underpinnings of common radiation curable materials and mechanisms. Analysis techniques that monitor the cure reaction and the properties of cured material. Emphasis on the considerations and challenges in common applications of radiation curable polymer systems and associated costs, regulatory, and safety considerations. Online Academic Year and/or Summer Session. Prerequisite(s): B.S. From an accredited institution with at least one semester of organic chemistry or permission of instructor.

    BPE 596 Special Topics (1 - 3)Lectures, conferences, discussions and laboratory. Topics in environmental and resource engineering not covered in established courses. Designed for the beginning graduate student or selected upper-division undergraduate. Fall and/or Spring.

    BPE 620 Bioseparations (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Cell disruption, solid liquid separations, centrifugation, chromatographic techniques (gel filtration, affinity, ion exchange), and membrane processes. Extraction. Crystallization and drying. Aseptic filtration. Fall. Prerequisite: BPE 501. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 620 and BPE 420.

    BPE 621 Bioreaction Engineering (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Bioprocess kinetics, reaction engineering, mass and energy balances, stoichiometry, enzyme kinetics, growth and product synthesis kinetics, mass transfer effects, bioreactor analysis and design, instrumentation and control, batch processing, bioreactor scale-up, agitation, oxygen delivery, heat removal and kinetics of sterilization (clean and sterilization in place (CIP and SIP). Spring. Prerequisites: Mass and Heat Transfer, or Transport Phenomena. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 621 and PBE 421.

    BPE 623 Chemistry of Lignocellulosic Biomass (3)Three hours of lecture and discussion per week; advanced science course with discussion and literature research through the topics in chemistry of lignocellulosic biomass, including wood, grasses, and agriculture residues; major (cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin) and minor constituents (extractives) -biosynthesis, structure, properties, physico-chemical association, use in biorefineries. Spring Prerequisite: Organic Chemistry I Lecture and Lab plus either Organic Chemistry II Lecture and Lab or PSE223 Lecture and Lab or equivalent or by instructor's permission

    BPE 635 Unit Process Operations (3)Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory and/or recitation, discussions. Topics include packed towers, tray columns, fluidized bed, fluid mechanic limitations, pressure drop, mass transfer coefficient, mass transfer limits, thermodynamic limits, equilibrium stage calculations, packed tower and tray column design and performance analysis. Fall.

    BPE 638 Introduction to Biorefinery Processes (3)Three hours of lecture and discussions per week. Topics covered include chemical and physical properties of biomass feedstocks; sustainable biomass production/utilization, chemical and biological processes of converting plant biomass to chemicals, liquid fuels, and materials. Focus on green chemistry and/or environmentally benign processes, with some discussions on political and social aspects of sustainability and renewability. Fall. Note: Credit will not be granted for BPE 638 and BPE 438 nor PSE 438 nor PSE 638.

    BPE 640 Bioprocess Kinetics Experiments and Data Analysis (3)One hour of lecture and six hours of laboratory per week. Planning and execution of laboratory exercises. Measurement and analysis of adsorption, chemical and biological transformations, including batch and/or continuous systems. Adsorption and chemical transformation or catalytic reactions may include solid catalyst(s), acid catalyst(s), base catalysts(s) or other agents. Biological transformation may include enzyme, bacteria, fungi or yeast. Bioprocess kinetics and mass transfer effects. Coaching fellow students on experimental procedures and safety requirements. Parametric analysis. Report writing and seminar presentation. Spring. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor Note: Credit will not be granted for both BPE 440 and BPE 640.

    BPE 650 Advanced Catalysis and Surface Reactions (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Intended for graduate students in Bioprocess Engineering and Chemical Engineering. Topics covered in this course may include gas and/or liquid interactions with solid surfaces, adsorption, catalysis on solid surfaces, and kinetics in systems involving solid particles and/or macromolecules. Discussions will be on an advanced level especially for kinetics and reactor analysis. Spring. Pre-requisites: BPE 421, or permission of instructor

    BPE 658 Advanced Biocatalysis (3)Three hours of lecture per week. This course is intended for graduate students in Bioprocess Engineering. Topics covered in this course may include enzyme, microbial and/or mammalian cell catalyzed molecular transformations. Biotransformations occur, at the fundamental level, due to the particular enzymes. Interactions between enzyme and ligand / substrate hold the key on how the reaction is regulated. On the cell level, enzymes work in tandem to convert one or more key substrate into one or more desired product. The mechanism and progress in the understanding of molecular transformations in microbial and mammalian systems are selectively covered. Discussions will be on an advanced level especially for kinetics and reactor analysis. Fall. Prerequisite: BPE 421 Bioprocess Kinetics and System Engineering, or permission of instructor.

    BPE 681 Bioprocess Plant Design (3)Three hours of lecture per week. Topics covered include integration of process and support systems and equipment; concepts of facility design integrating Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), equipment and systems cleanability, people flow, product protection, capital investment, and operating costs. This course will focus towards facility design in the biopharmaceutical industry. Spring. Prerequisites: BPE 620, BPE 621 or equivalents.

    BPE 796 Advanced Topics (1 - 3)Lectures, conferences, discussions and laboratory. Advanced topics in forest engineering, paper science and engineering, and wood products engineering. Fall and/or Spring. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    BPE 797 Seminar (1 - 3)Discussion of assigned topics in the fields related to Bioprocess Engineering. Spring and Fall.

    BPE 798 Research in Bioprocess Engineering (1 - 12)Independent research topics in Bioprocess Engineering. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Fall, Spring or Summer. Credit hours to be arranged.

    BPE 898 Professional Experience/Synthesis (1 - 6)A supervised, documented professional work experience in the Master of Professional Studies degree program. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Fall, Spring, or Summer. Pre- or co-requisite(s): Approval of proposed study plan by advisor, faculty, and any sponsoring organization.

    BPE 899 Master's Thesis Research (1 - 12)Research and independent study for the master's thesis. Fall, Spring or Summer. Credit hours to be arranged.

    BPE 999 Doctoral Thesis Research (1 - 12)Research and independent study for the doctoral dissertation. Fall, Spring or Summer. Credit hours to be arranged.

    BTC - Biotechnology

    BTC 132 Orientation Seminar (1)One hour of lecture or discussion per week. Occasional tour of laboratories or field trips. Introduction to campus facilities, personnel, lower-division curriculum, and upper-division study options to facilitate transition of students into the program and assist them in making informed decisions on course selection and future career directions. Fall.

    BTC 298 Research Apprenticeship in Biotechnology (1 - 3)Full- or part-time engagement as volunteer or employee on research project having a biotechnology focus consistent with the student's educational and professional goals. Tenure at SUNY-ESF or outside institution. Faculty member in the BTC program will serve as student's sponsor. Study plan outlining the apprenticeship's educational goals completed prior to its commencement. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Grading satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory. Fall, Spring, Summer. Prerequisite(s): Permission of Instructor.

    BTC 401 Molecular Biology Techniques (4)Two hours lecture and six hours laboratory per week. Theories behind techniques in molecular biology are introduced in lecture. Laboratory includes the extraction and quantification of genomic and plasmid DNA, agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction digestion, ligation, bacterial transformation, DNA sequencing and PCR. Additional topics in molecular biology are presented by the students. Fall. Prerequisite(s): EFB 307, 308, 325, or equivalents. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BTC 401 and EFB 601.

    BTC 420 Internship in Biotechnology (1 - 5)Full- or part-time employment or volunteer work with an agency, institution, clinic, professional group, business, or individual involved in activities consistent with the student's educational and professional goals. The extent of the internship activities shall be commensurate with the credits undertaken. A resident faculty member must serve as the student's academic sponsor. A study plan outlining the internship's educational goals must be completed prior to its commencement. Grading will be based on a written report from the student and submitted to the sponsoring faculty member and on an evaluation of the student's performance written by the site supervisor to the sponsoring faculty member. Fall, Spring, Summer. Prerequisite: Consent of a faculty sponsor.

    BTC 425 Plant Biotechnology (3)Two hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory per week. The use of transgenic plants to improve the human condition and remediate environmental problems is a rapidly growing field of study. Students are taught the principles of gene structure and regulation, gene cloning, transformation of plant species, and current applications. Format includes lectures, discussions, student presentations, and a laboratory project. Spring. Note: Credit will not be granted for both BTC 425 and EFB 625.

    BTC 426 Plant Tissue Culture Methods (3)Two hours of lecture and discussion and three hours of laboratory per week. Introduction to plant tissue culture for biotechnology research and as a propagation method. Emphasis will be on learning laboratory instrumentation and techniques for establishing cell cultures, producing transgenic cell lines, and regenerating whole plants. Fall. Prerequisites: One course in botany, microbiology, or genetics; or permission of instructor. Note: Credit will not be granted for BTC 426 and FOR 626/EFB 626.

    BTC 496 Topics in Biotechnology (1 - 3)Experimental, interdisciplinary, or special topic coursework in biotechnology for undergraduate students. Subject matter and method of presentation varies from semester to semester. May be repeated for additional credit if topic changes. Fall or Spring.

    BTC 497 Research Design and Professional Development (1)One hour of discussion or seminar each week covering the scientific method, professional ethics and responsibilities of the practicing scientist. Employment opportunities, future career choices, safety considerations, and use of the scientific literature are covered. Students will select a research topic and prepare a proposal, which may be applied to BTC 498 or BTC 420. Spring. Pre- or co-requisite: Biotechnology major or permission of instructor.

    BTC 498 Research Problems in Biotechnology (1 - 9)Laboratory research experience with research time agreed upon by student and instructor. Independent research experience covering biotechnological topics. Specific topics determined through consultation between student and appropriate faculty member. Tutorial conferences, discussions, and critiques scheduled as necessary. Grading determined by the instructor and could include, but not required, evaluation of skills learned, data obtained, and laboratory notebook record keeping. A final written report is required. Students shall report their activities to their instructor on a weekly basis for the duration of the course. Fall or Spring. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

    BTC 499 Senior Project Synthesis (1)One hour of discussion or seminar each week. Students will learn to synthesize results gained from their own independent research and present those data in a scientific poster at a research symposium. Topics of professional preparation will also be discussed. Spring.

    CME - Construction Management Engineering

    CME 132 Orientation Seminar: Sustainable Construction Management and Engineering (1)One hour of lecture and discussion per week. Introduction to campus resources available to ensure academic success in the area of Sustainable Construction Management and Engineering. Fall.

    CME 151 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Financial accounting concepts that aid entrepreneurs, managers, investors, and creditors in planning, operating, and analyzing a business. Emphasis is on interpretation of financial statements. Fall.

    CME 202 Introduction to Professional Communications (1)Three hours of lab per week. Introduction to intermediate-level use and understanding of software for word processing, spreadsheet analysis, and database management. Focused on developing the ability to prepare reports including preparation of documents, data analysis, and written presentations. Fall.

    CME 215 Sustainable Construction (3)Three hours of lecture/discussion per week. Overview of sustainable design and construction concepts and practices. The emergence of green building, issues, and rating systems. Sources of chemicals in buildings, indoor air quality, and human comfort. Basic energy principles and energy-efficient technologies. Selection of materials. Role of the contractor in the management and construction of green projects. Spring.

    CME 226 Statics and Mechanics of Materials (4)Four hours of lecture/discussion per week. Equilibri


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